The story of Xenogears isn't something that you want to have spoiled for you, but that doesn't mean you can't have help. The walkthrough will go section by section, and it will have as many spoilers marked as possible, so as not to ruin the game for first time (or even second time) players.
The story begins in the remote village of Lahan, in the home of Fei Fong Wong. This is where the walkthrough will begin, and take you through the many environments of Xenogears. All information is as accurate as possible, although some directions may not be exact, as the in game compass can sometimes be hard to follow. Feel free to email us to correct us on any information that is incorrect or inaccurate. Thank you, good luck, and enjoy.
Information Key: |
Currently, all spoilers are marked by being hidden in the background, and have to be higlighted to be seen. This will be the format used, at least until another process is made. They are marked by the use of brackets, making it look like this: [The Spoiler]. |
The left side of the page will contain the actual walkthrough of each area and will have screen shots to go with it when available. | The right side of the page will have area information. Items found, shops, and enemies in an area will be listed here. Also, the information of a character that joins you in that area will be listed, including initial equipment and abilities. |