Emeralda is a Nanomachine colony, created by Kim and Elly (forms of Fei and Elly that existed 4000 years in the past). She was to be used as a cure for the people of the Zeboim Civilization's inability to have children. More to come.
Information: |
Birthplace: | Zeboim |
Age: | N/A |
Codename: | Emeralda |
Gender: | Female |
Height: | N/A |
Weight: | N/A |
Attack: | Self-Transformation |
Ether Response: | N/A |
Anima Alignment: | None |
Gear: | Crescens |
Ablilties: |
Anemo Darm | 3 EP |
Terra Feist | 3 EP |
Thermo Gord | 3 EP |
Aqua Aroum | 3 EP |
Anemo Omega | 6 EP |
Terra Holz | 6 EP |
Thermo Geist | 6 EP |
Aqua Dhaum | 6 EP |
Deathblows: |
Leg Cutter | |
Wave Cutter | |
Leg Spin | |
Hammerhead | |
Grand Arm | |
Divider | |
Flying Arm | |
Tornado Hand | |
Reycount | |
Dark Beast | |